Of all the salacious details, this is my favorite so far:
Ex-Detroit cop Walter A. Harris Jr. testified the mayor "chuckled" when the winter wind blew open the fur and revealed that the woman was otherwise naked.
Here's another good one:
Also today, a female Detroit police officer testified that the mayor urged her at a party "to take care of my boy" -- a reference to his friend, Bobby Ferguson.
"I thought it meant in a sexual way or date him or give him what he
wanted," said Officer Cathy Wright.
Yesss....something that I epopped you made it to the blog! I'm sure you had already read that on your own, but it's still an honor, considering you're a hot-shot blogger now ;)
Now if only you'd write that post about how MSU isn't so terrible afterall...
I hope so! I found this site by accident: nice to see attention paid to our voiceless sea brethren. How do you feel about bottom feeders?
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