Monday, July 30, 2007

Facebook group of the day

Group name: Shaky Jake
Network: Global
Members: 880
Description: Ann Arbor's lovable hobo.

If you're on Facebook (and I imagine almost all of you are), check out the "Jake is not a 'hobo'!" thread for a lively discussion on the celebrated busker's mysterious lifestyle.

There are plenty of competing theories -- some insist he has a summer home in Florida, while others say Ann Arbor pays for his lodging. As far as knowledge of Shaky Jake goes, it's a real battle of the titans over there -- every third post or so is from someone who gave him a ride once or whose dad met him in the '70s.

For more on Jake, check out these three sample tracks from his record On the Move and this 2006 report from NPR's Weekend America.


Anonymous said...

Wow, these kids are dumb

naanking said...

I think I remember my sister mentioning that her manager at a coffee shop yelled at one of the employees who didn't give jake complimentary coffee. I think it's an unwritten rule that no restaurant can charge shakey jake.

Chetly Zarko said...

Shaky Jake is an Ann Arbor institution. I remember him as a 7-8 year old being introduced by my aunt, a U-M student, as an institution. He must be closing in on Methusala.

Edward Vielmetti said...

Jake died on Sunday - story in the Ann Arbor News, collection of links on Arborwiki: